Using Fed-Ex to deliver books sounds so easy and simple, but believe me it took more than one stop to get our books here far out in the bush! Our box reached Maputo, Mozambique in early July – only a few days after ordering! Now, it needed to get way up north - a journey of three to four days by car!
A lift was arranged and we went to town to pick up the long-awaited box …… but the visitors hadn’t yet arrived and so we had to go home empty handed! (This is Africa and all things take their time!) But as all good bush dwellers, we networked and planned lifts again and so this morning our boxes were door-delivered by fellow-missionaries passing our way!
Missionary Delivers Sonlight
Quite a few stops later but the books made it in, I think, record time! God has His own special delivery system using His people across the world!
Belinda P.
Send In Your Box Day Story
I would love to hear your Sonlight Box Day story and include it on this page.
So, please, send me your story and any accompanying images or YouTube links so we can celebrate your Box Day with you!
~Luke Holzmann
Media Relations Specialist
So, please, send me your story and any accompanying images or YouTube links so we can celebrate your Box Day with you!
~Luke Holzmann
Media Relations Specialist