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Send In Your Box Day Story

I would love to hear your Sonlight Box Day story and include it on this page.

So, please, send me your story and any accompanying images or YouTube links so we can celebrate your Box Day with you!

~Luke Holzmann
Media Relations Specialist

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sonlight Box Castle

I always put in my order after the catalog comes out so that we can receive our box toward the end of May. The girls (12 and 9) get excited about the Fall books which seems to rejuvenate our spirits and allows us to finish strong.

Because we've always homeschooled, I own every Core.

My five-year-old was initially sad because he only got a couple new books to add to Core K UNTIL he noticed the inside of the box. Here he is with his finished product:

Sonlight Box Day
Sonlight Box Castle

BTW, the fuzzy balls are cannon balls and he painted the entire outside and inside by himself. He has played and played with his special Sonlight box for the past two months.

Ms. Lynn S.

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