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Send In Your Box Day Story

I would love to hear your Sonlight Box Day story and include it on this page.

So, please, send me your story and any accompanying images or YouTube links so we can celebrate your Box Day with you!

~Luke Holzmann
Media Relations Specialist

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our box day!

This is our first year using Sonlight and we are super excited! My son CJ has been anticipating this day all week! I ordered it on Monday, it shipped on Tuesday and we received it Friday. (It probably helps that we aren't too far from Colorado) We tracked it through the FedEx website so he would know when it was coming. When the doorbell rang he started shouting "It's here! It's here! Box day is here!" He was so excited to see the two boxes out front.

As we started pulling out the books he was getting more and more excited.

He couldn't help himself and had to stop and look at the Science kit and then he ended up reading one of the Magic School bus books....then he told me that I had to read them to Nicholas his little brother.

I had to stop several times from assembly of my Instructors Guide to help cut out the castles from the 2 boxes. What a fun day! We are very excited to start school and I know that this year is going to be fantastic! Thank you Sonlight!

Nichol H.
North Las Vegas, NV

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