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Send In Your Box Day Story

I would love to hear your Sonlight Box Day story and include it on this page.

So, please, send me your story and any accompanying images or YouTube links so we can celebrate your Box Day with you!

~Luke Holzmann
Media Relations Specialist

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Books, Frogs, and Castle Boxes!

We came to homeschooling late -- pulling my triplets out of public school in mid-6th grade. Selecting curriculum for their first full year of homeschooling was scary and though I spent a large amount of time in the Sonlight booth at our local convention, I had no idea where to plug my kids into the curriculum.

But the idea of Sonlight made so much sense to me -- and made ME excited about school. So the following year, I decided to "dip a toe in the water" and have my now-8th graders use the Eastern Hemisphere curriculum for their Social Studies component. From day one, my students were invested in the people groups they were learning about; able (and eager) to discuss their studies and the books they were reading.

So, this year as I prepare for the trio to begin 9th grade and our littlest to begin 1rst....I didn't even wait for the convention. I called Sonlight and ordered the Multi-subject First Grade curriculum for my little one....and the Core 100 for my older kids -- adding the Biology component.

Sonlight Box Day
Sonlight Boxes

When the boxes arrived this weekend, we could not open them fast enough! My 14-year-olds were drooling over the first grader's curriculum -- wishing they had started school with so many amazing books! My husband was taking apart the dissection kits and getting the boys very excited about Biology. As my 14-year-old daughter finally just sat down in the middle of all the books and boxes with a stack of books in her lap to read, my 5-year-old looked at me and said, "Do I get to start first grade TOMORROW?!!!!"

Sonlight Box Day
Can't Wait to Start School

When I finally needed to get the books organized and put on the shelves, Dad took the boxes and made the castle printed on the inside. Four days later, my Cate is still asking if she can go play in her castle periodically throughout the day!!

Sonlight Box Day
Sonlight Box Castle

Thanks, Sonlight! We are eager for our school year to begin!!

-Carol S.

Sonlight Box Day

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Easter Miracle!

On Saturday before Easter we were eating our normal traditional cinnamon rolls when truck pulled into our driveway. The driver proceeded to unload THREE BIG boxes all marked Sonlight Curriculum!

I was on the phone with my Mother-In-Law and got so excited. "It's here! It's here!!"

I got off the phone and the kids and I tore into the boxes like it was Christmas! The 4 year old found a Magic Schoolbus book and curled up on the couch looking through the human body book. Not 10 minutes after everything was tucked back into the boxes my 10 year old pulled out a book and said, "Can I start reading this one?" We are all so excited to begin our Sonlight adventure!

I've read other 'Box Day' stories and, admittedly, thought "Really?" Now I can say to anyone thinking about it that YES!! Box Day is just like Christmas...and will be exciting the whole year through!

Thank you Sonlight for a wonderful way to bless my children with the knowledge they will need to do what God has created them for!

Deeply thankful,

Linette B.
mother of four new Sonlighters!

Friday, April 22, 2011

We Love Box Day at Our House!

Sonlight Box Day
Box Day

We had an extra special surprise this Box Day. My son, age 7, received his Grade 3 Readers with Core B. The next day I found him for the first time on his stomach for an hour reading a chapter book!

Reading Sonlight Books

Thank you Sonlight! This is our fourth Core with Sonlight and my son really has learned to read, love books, and to love Jesus.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Our 2nd Annual Sonlight Box Day!

Even though we still have about 14 weeks left of our current Sonlight Core (Core D), I went ahead and purchased our next Core (Core E)! I did this to give me time to pre-read all of the books, as well as make sure things are nice and organized... and also to take advantage of Sonlight's Time Payments option (a great option for those, like myself, on a tighter homeschool budget!).

Boxes of books hiding wonderful treasures inside!

See more pictures and read the rest of the story on A Full Heart blog.


Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Sonlight Box Day video!

We love Box Day! Due to the snow storms, our box reached us later than we thought. I picked it up on Tuesday and had plans to open it the next afternoon with the kids.

Read the rest of the story and watch a 3 minute Box Day video on the Hayes Happenings blog.


Monday, March 14, 2011

It's here! It's here!

It's here!

The excitement level was about equal to that of Christmas morning! Paper was flying! Books were were being pulled out of the box.

Box of Books

Boys were smiling and exclaiming over each treasure!


This was our very first "Box Day". My five year old, Caleb, asked to read each book and soon dove into reading the Science books. He's doing Core K this year. My two year old, Nathan, was just as excited. He doesn't know that these aren't really his school books. And I'm not planning to tell him because I know he will learn so much right along with his big brother.

Books from Box Day

Thank you, Sonlight, for helping to make learning fun and exciting!!!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Sonlight Box Day

We just love Sonlight (going on 4 years now!). Box Day is such an exciting time around here!

Box Day

My children love box day and they had so much fun looking over their next year's schooling! Mommy was excited too (though a bit overwhelmed...)

-Emily B.

See more pictures and read the rest of the story on Emily's blog.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Very First Box Day!

My daughter is three, turning four very soon. I decided to order both the P 3/4 & P 4/5 curriculums because I wanted all of the wonderful books from both. We are going to do the 3/4 over the Summer for some educational fun and then start 4/5 in the Fall. I anxiously awaited the arrival of our boxes from the moment I placed my order! I shared the news of what would be coming with Ava and she was just as thrilled. She LOVES books (She get is from me!). She also can't wait to "do school" with mommy.

When the boxes, totaling 59 lbs., arrived during my sons nap time I let her unpack the contents all by herself while I checked everything off on the packing list.

Ava Unpacking the Box

She wanted to read all of the books immediately, she was just so excited!


I can't thank Sonlight enough for all the wonderful book selections and the effort they put into making homeschooling so simple.

Please visit my homeschool blog for more pictures from our very first Box Day.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unexpected Blessings!

I only JUST ordered on Monday the 21st so imagine my total SURPRISE when my neighbor knocked on my door holding my BOX O' FUN! Thankfully, the FedEx man left it with her and not outside!

I am so happy to receive it so quickly.

Just one of the MANY reasons I love you all! Now, I'm going to go play on the forums! YAY for free access!

Blessings to all! In Him,


Friday, February 18, 2011

Sonlight Box Day Core 1

The box came in just before bedtime. The kids looked through them for a bit, and went off to bed. I wish I could have hidden it until the morning. But the moment they heard the FedEx truck, they were jumping up and down. ;-)

Read the rest of the story here.

23 Year veteran secular homeschooler.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Box Day!

Our books have arrived! I have been tracking the two packages since a week ago and finally FedEx man came to my aunt's place. I think I am more excited than Reese! :) After checking the contents... I knew the decision to homeschool him is right. The materials are wonderful. This year's theme is 'An Introduction to the World: Culture'. What is nice about this program is that learning is through life books and not text books! Instead of reading from boring text, we get to read stories and more stories related to the theme and learn in a natural way with some supplementary worksheets.

Reese was so excited when I took out all the books!

Checking what else is in the box

'Reading' a map in the box

Our loot for the year!

Checking out the books...

Can't wait to read! This was taken when it first arrived at my aunt's house



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